mercoledì 6 agosto 2008

Marriage is for old folks

Perché quando si è innamorati (o si pensa di esserlo) si dicono cose sceme? Una volta, mentre eravamo nel letto, un uomo mi chiese: "ma quante lingue parli?". "Due", gli risposi io. "E quale è la seconda?", rilanciò lui non pago. "Questa", lo zittii allora io ricominciando a baciarlo.

I love dancing
Crazy romancing
Fellas advancing constantly
Marriage is for old folks
Old folks, not for me!
One husband
One wife
Whaddya got?
Two people sentenced for life!
I love singing
Good healthy clinging
Quietly bringing on a spree
Marriage is for old folks
Cold folks!
One married he
One married she
Whaddya got?
Two people watchin' tv!
I'm not ready
To quit bein' free
And I'm not willing
To stop being me
I've gotta sing my song
Why should I belong
To some guy who says
That I'm wrong?
Cookin' dinner
Lookin' no thinner
Gray elbows and
A sudsy sea
Marriage is for old folks
Cold folks,
And it's not for me!
One husband
One wife
Whaddya got?
Two people sentenced for life!
I'm exploding
With youth and with zest
Who needs corroding
In some vulture's nest?
I've gotta fly my wings
Go places, do things
My freedom bell's really
Gonna ring!
I've been through years
Too many blue years
Now I want new year's every eve
Marriage is for old folks
Marriage is for cold folks
One husband
One wife
Whaddya got?
Two people sentenced for life
Marriage is for old folks
Marriage is for cold folks
Not for me
Can't you see
Marriage ain't for me

Nina Simone
foto di Chizu Kobayashi

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